Ajax in Redux with Thunk – Can’t be more weird

How can a ajax call fit into Redux paradigm?

  • State: The state will be updated after ajax call is over. No problem.
  • Reducer: Reducer will change the state when ajax call is over. No problem.
  • Action: Action can be used to define "Ajax call over"

But where to put the logic of really doing an ajax call?

None of the 3. It should be a plain function, which will dispatch "Ajax call over" action when Ajax fetching is done. But since people are so obesessed with Redux’s paradigm, this ajax calling logic is defined as a SPECIAL ACTION

  • It normally doesn’t have an action type, and it is not handled by reducers
  • But it can be "dispatched"
  • It’s not a data structure any more, but a function itself.

But how can a action be a function? That’s where the middleware "Thunk" comes into, which allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action

Here is an example. Before you go into it, you must know normally

  • Ajax call success and Ajax call failure will be defined as different actions
  • "Ajax call started" is also an action, since it will change the state in terms of "showing loading spinner"
//register the middleware
const rootStore = createStore(reducer, 
		applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware) //allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action 

//"real" actions and their reducers 
function counterReducer(state={value:0}, action){
    	case 'getCounterStart': 
    		return {
    			isFetching: true,  //used to indicate that the ajax request is running
    			error: undefined   //used to clear existing error message 
    	case 'getCounterDone':
    		return {
				isFetching: false, //used to indicate that the ajax request is running
				error: undefined,  //used to clear existing error message
				value: action.counter.theValue
    	case 'getCounterFailed':
    		return {
				isFetching: false,  //used to indicate that the ajax request is running
				error: action.error //used to show the error message

//the ajax calling as an "action"
function getCounterAction(){
	const actionAsFunction =  function(dispatch){
		dispatch({type:'getCounterStart'}); //dispatch an "loading started" action first
		return axios.get("http://localhost:12180/fo/rest/counter/get")
					console.log(response.data); //success
					dispatch({type:'getCounterDone', counter: response.data});
					if(error.response){ //failure with http response, such as a http 500 response
						dispatch({type:'getCounterFailed', error: error.response.error_description_for_user})
					}else{ //failure without http response
						dispatch({type:'getCounterFailed', error: "Unknown Error"})
	return actionAsFunction;  //so the action itself is a function


//the component   
class CounterComponent extends Component {

    	const errorStyle = {color:'red'};
        return (

                {/* Loading indicator */}
                {this.props.counter.isFetching &&  
                {/* Show error */}                 
                {this.props.counter.error && 
                	<div style={errorStyle}>{this.props.counter.error}</div>
                {/* Show values */}                
		            <button onClick={ e => this.props.onChange(1)}>+</button>   
		            <button onClick={ e => this.props.onChange(-1)}>-</button>    


class CounterComponentContainer extends Component {
		this.props.dispatch(getCounterAction()); //fetch the value when component is first rendered
		return (
				<CounterComponent counter={this.props.counter} onChange={this.props.onChange}/>

CounterComponentContainer = connect(
) (CounterComponentContainer);  

export default CounterComponentContainer;

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