An online UML tutorial e.g. Activity Diagram e.g. Activity Diagram
"Installed extensions are JAR files in the lib/ext directory of the Java Runtime Environment (JRETM) software"
‘ 自动到百度搜索歌曲:white flag Dim WshShell,Path,i Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run("IEXPLORE.EXE") WScript.Sleep 2000 WshShell.AppActivate "about:blank-Microsoft Internet Explorer" WshShell.SendKeys "+{TAB}" WshShell.SendKeys "" WScript.Sleep 800 WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 3000 WshShell.SendKeys "white flag" WScript.Sleep 800 WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" ‘本文来自: 脚本之家( 详细出处参考: ‘
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通过JMS API,可以直接连接JMS Resource Provider,为什么还要通过JCA的方式,搞出一个JMS CONNECTOR?因为: 文档说:JMS CONNECTOR提供一些附加价值: transaction, pooling,signed-on 如果用了JMS CONNECTOR,应该注意啥? 文档说:when using the JMS Connector, the application need not (and in general should not) directly look up or use any RP resources.
干什么用的? 用于连接J2EE COMPOMENT与其他EIS系统(如ERP),使两者之前可以交互。比如, 通过连接器扩展MDB,使它能够处理任何message provider的消息,包括非JMS的message provider 它具体是什么东西? 它是一个Resouce Adapter,即把其他EIS系统适配成可以让J2EE组件直接访问的东西,类似于 JDBC DRIVER 那它怎么玩的? 用 ra.xml, *-ra.xml描述,然后部署到j2ee server里运行(可以作为stand-alone的应用来部署,也可以嵌入到其他EAR中运行)
官方文档说: In most tables, you should only need columns of NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and DATE datatypes
graphviz的用法: dot.exe -Tpng -oXXX.png -Kdot XXX.txt