They should all have these columns:
- Primary key: id , bigserial (which creates a sequence behind the scene)
- Date created: utc_created – Use current timestamp as a default value
- Date updated: utc_updated – Use a trigger to automatically update it (See code below)
- Creator: created_by – text type, can be anything
- Updator: updated_by – text type , can be anything
create table my_table ( id bigserial not null , utc_created timestamptz not null default current_timestamp, created_by text not null, utc_updated timestamptz null, updated_by text null, primary key (id) ); CREATE TRIGGER my_table_updated_by_trigger BEFORE UPDATE ON my_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_utc_updated_column(); -- see below
-- See CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_utc_updated_column() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.utc_updated = current_timestamp; RETURN NEW; END; $$ language 'plpgsql';
if you’re looking for how to set updated_by in the trigger function. you can use
NEW.updated_by = current_user;