One way of doing this is to create your own Router class, which extends the one from the framework; and inside this Router class you put in the tracking logic:
class MyRouteComponent extends React.Component<Props, State> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = {currentUserRefreshed: false}; if (isProdEnv()) { ReactGA.initialize('UA-GOOGLE-ANAYLTICS-ID'); } } trackPage(pageUrl:string) { ReactGA.set({page: pageUrl}); ReactGA.pageview(pageUrl); } toPageUrl(location: Location) { return location.pathname +; } componentDidMount() { this.props.refreshCurrentUser(); if(isProdEnv() && this.props.location){ this.trackPage(this.toPageUrl(this.props.location!)); } } render() { ... } }