
引用 double beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //do sth. double endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double second = (endTime – beginTime)/1000; double minute = second/60; double hour = minute/60; System.out.println("总耗时:"+second+"秒,"+minute+"分,"+hour+"小时");

javadoc tags (up to 1.4.2)

摘自 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/tooldocs/windows/javadoc.html JAVADOC TAGS The Javadoc tool parses special tags when they are embedded within a Java doc comment. These doc tags enable you to autogenerate a complete, well-formatted API from your source code. The tags start with an "at" sign (@) and are case-sensitive — they must be typed with the uppercase and lowercase …

javadoc tags (up to 1.4.2) Read More »